Octoprint vs Astroprint… what are the differences, how to choose between them, and what’s the best option for you? This article will discuss the two web interfaces that allow you to remotely control your 3d printer from anywhere!
Octoprint is an open source project started by Gina Häußge a.k.a foosel over 5 years ago. Astroprint is a company that offers open source and product kits users can buy pre-configured.
Okay great but what are they and what are their differences?
Both Octoprint and Astroprint gives you the ability to control your 3D Printers from a web interface that can be accessed inside or outside of your home network. This is typically done with a piece of hardware called a Single Board Computer (SBC) or what you’ll most commonly hear used, a Rapberry Pi. We’re not going to go into hardware here but both sites offer very good and detailed information on what you need.
Octoprint vs Astroprint
Comparative Differences
- Somewhat easy installation
- Fully customizable and community run
- Great for tech savy or program savy users
- Barebone GUI (Interface)
- Dynamic info tabbed in sections
- Support by community
- Buy your own gear
- SBC vesrion only
- Free OS
- Extremly easy installation
- Limited adjustabilty
- Excellent choice for beginners
- Full suite GUI with style
- Dynamic info basic all-in-one screen
- Support by staff
- Buy pre-installed kits or your own gear
- SBC, Desktop, cloud and Mobile App versions
- Free OS
What do they offer?
Octoprint vs Astroprint each basically offers the same thing just in a different way. Here is a small list of some of the things these web interfaces offer;
- File Uploader and Manager
- Integrated Slicing Software
- 3D Printer Motion and Tempurature Control
- Real-Time Data
- Web or IP Camera View
- Terminal Command Window
- Plug-ins and Add-ons
Octoprint is great for users with some programming or development experience. If you have configured marlin firmware for your 3d printer or have installed a Linux distro on your computer then this is probably the right choice for you. Octoprint is found on GitHub and can easily be forked or modified to make things the way you like them. However, you don’t need to be a full-stack developer to use Octoprint either. It’s still really easy to get it installed and running if you are patient enough to read the guide and follow instructions.

If you have never configured your 3d printer’s firmware, installed an operating system on your computer, or just don’t want to mess with any programming, then AstroPrint is probably the best choice for you. Astroprint offers a full suite of control for your 3d printer and it’s a professional interface with lots of user-friendly features. There are even integrated model searches from your favorite stl websites like Thingiverse.

Which will you choose?
So now that you have the facts which one is best for you? There’s no right or wrong answer here. Both options are great and work really well. If you have questions or comments please leave them below and if you like this article please give it a share on your favorite social media page.
Now I should mention that there are other solutions out there like Repetier-Server but we are pro marlin around these parts so…
For more information on the two options, you can find a ton of information and walkthroughs by doing a quick web search.
Homepage: https://octoprint.org/
Repository: https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint
Homepage: https://www.astroprint.com
Downloads: https://www.astroprint.com/downloads
Check out our OctoPrint Beginner Guide Article;

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